Thursday, June 16, 2011

enchanted forest party theme

images Live review: The Enchanted enchanted forest party theme. Enchanted Forest Theme Kit,
  • Enchanted Forest Theme Kit,

  • willwin
    06-10 10:30 AM

    Much awaited bulletin which says no numbers for EB3 and that come Oct 2008 Eb3 I will go to Nov 2001 again. What a news!!!



    There have been questions raised regarding the way numbers have been provided to the China and India in the Employment Second preference categories beginning in April. Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act states that if total demand for visas in an Employment preference category is insufficient to use all available visa numbers in that category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual per-country limit. (For example: If the second preference annual limit were 40,000, number use by “All Other Countries” were estimated to be only 25,000, and the China/India combined number use based on their per-country limits were 6,000, then there would be 9,000 numbers unused. Those 9,000 numbers could then be made available to China and India applicants without regard to their per-country limits.)

    Based on the informaiton available, it was been determined that the demand from “All Other Countries” for Second preference numbers, plus the amount of numbers available under China and India Second preference per-country limit, would be insufficient to utilize all available numbers under the annual limit for this category. Therefore, pursuant to Section 202(a)(5) of the Act, the unused numbers have been made available to China and India Second preference applicants. Since Section 203(e)(1) of the Act requires that such unused numbers be made available strictly in priority date order, the China and India applicants have been subject to the identical cut-off date. As there are more Employment Second preference applicants from India and the Indian applicants may have earlier priority dates, it is likely that Indian applicants will receive a larger portion of the available numbers than Chinese applicants.

    It should be noted that the Employment Second preference category is "Current" for all countries except China and India. If at any point it appears that demand from “All Other Countries” would utilize all available numbers, then an adjustment would be made to the China/India cut-off date. Therefore, providing the unused numbers to China and India in no way disadvantages applicants from any other country, and helps to insure that the worldwide annual limit can be reached.


    Demand for numbers, primarily by USCIS for adjustment of status cases, will bring the entire Employment Third preference category to the annual numerical limit by the end of June. As a result, this category will become “unavailable” beginning in July and will remain so for the remainder of FY-2008. Such action will only be temporary, however, and Employment Third preference availability will return to the cut-off dates established for June in October, the first month of the new fiscal year."

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  • into an enchanted forest.

  • forgerator
    12-10 05:06 PM
    I am with you Almond. After waiting for 12 long years in USA and 8 long years for a GC, the tunnel is still dark.

    Same here. Been in the States since 1998. They should give honorary GCs just for completing 10 legal years of being in this country. :mad:

    enchanted forest party theme. Enchanted Forest
  • Enchanted Forest

  • catchupvijay
    07-14 10:41 PM
    Check posted.

    2011 into an enchanted forest. enchanted forest party theme. the enchanted forest yes,
  • the enchanted forest yes,

  • saimrathi
    07-05 11:22 PM
    Please digg


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  • Enchanted Forest Theme Baby

  • mpadapa
    06-11 12:04 PM
    This retrogression and slow forward movement was a problem in the making. Last summer IV core had warned about this issue. The writing on this issue was on the wall, now we have numbers to prove it. Last year (2008) we ducked the issue because EB folks got lucky since almost 23K visa wasted by FB folks in 2007 was counted as part of EB limit in 2008. This year no such luck, we are stuck with our usual quota's. Refresh your memory with an old thread from last summer. (

    Folks don't narrow this issue to an Indian/chinese issue. All EB3 folks and EB2 (reto countries) are affected by the retrogression. When the system is broken blame the system and not the individual department. Looks like members like to take a dig at USCIS for every problem in the system. Go talk to your lawmakers if you have issues with the system, they are the one who drafted the limits. Your labor was delayed not because of USCIS but by DOL. Yes USCIS is not a perfect org but they do their best. USCIS wasn't equipped to handle millions of EAD/AP every year aren't they issuing they issuing it within reasonable time. Give some respect to the org and just don't use it as a punch bag for all your problems. If you have issues with wastage of visa's go ask the lawmakers who introduced the 245i provision in 2000. They showed the EB folks with ~130K recapture and flooded the system with 245i applicants and caused ~130K visa numbers wasted between 2000-present. What was the net gain? We should collective organize and do active lobbying with IV, otherwise we will be taken for another ride in CIR.



    enchanted forest party theme. How gorgeous is this Enchanted
  • How gorgeous is this Enchanted

  • vbkris77
    12-10 06:34 PM
    Biggest mistake or unlucky whoever missed July 07 fiasco.

    Probably both!!! It ain't gonna happen again unless CIR passes or DoS changes their strategy.


    enchanted forest party theme. Enchanted Forest Centerpiece
  • Enchanted Forest Centerpiece

  • plassey
    07-21 12:19 PM
    You would think that USCIS is effecient and well managed, but the fact of the matter is that they are not.
    If you think about what happened in last one month , it points out that things are in pretty bad shape untill take notice by affected people like us.
    Well, if you do the direct calculations (eventhough it looks correct for most of us), it always results scary.

    But that does not happen always. A Government Agency decided to accept that many applications in a month window, defintely it would not have been decided in a lunch or dinner meeting.

    They should have known their limitations and how to handle the situation. If there are 20K 485 applications sitting at the storage, it would not create much problems. But it creates so much administration issues if the number is 600K applications.

    One major issue is, every year they are going to receive 600K EAD renewals. They will never get time to work on 485, but life long working on renewing this EAD's and no more further GC processing.

    So, its not going to be the case. Now they have money, even if it takes first year some more months, they may go for hiring more contracters OR spliting the applications across different centers processing them.

    Its a big administration issue to the agency to keep all the applications pending than us.

    So, no worries. There must be a solution ahead for us.

    2010 Enchanted Forest enchanted forest party theme. Live review: The Enchanted
  • Live review: The Enchanted

  • john2255
    07-20 04:35 PM
    Kindly understand that
    Yea- YES
    Nay- NO
    Not- Absent from voting.

    Obama was absent from voting- A clever diplomacy.
    Hilary Clinton- Nay(double talk)
    Senators from California- both no ( Big Surprise)

    Text of the amemdment.

    Here is the Senators and their voting pattern.

    Alabama: Sessions (R-AL), Nay Shelby (R-AL), Yea
    Alaska: Murkowski (R-AK), Yea Stevens (R-AK), Yea
    Arizona: Kyl (R-AZ), Yea McCain (R-AZ), Yea
    Arkansas: Lincoln (D-AR), Nay Pryor (D-AR), Nay
    California: Boxer (D-CA), Nay Feinstein (D-CA), Nay
    Colorado: Allard (R-CO), Yea Salazar (D-CO), Nay
    Connecticut: Dodd (D-CT), Nay Lieberman (ID-CT), Yea
    Delaware: Biden (D-DE), Nay Carper (D-DE), Nay
    Florida: Martinez (R-FL), Yea Nelson (D-FL), Nay
    Georgia: Chambliss (R-GA), Yea Isakson (R-GA), Yea
    Hawaii: Akaka (D-HI), Nay Inouye (D-HI), Nay
    Idaho: Craig (R-ID), Yea Crapo (R-ID), Yea
    Illinois: Durbin (D-IL), Nay Obama (D-IL), Not Voting
    Indiana: Bayh (D-IN), Yea Lugar (R-IN), Yea
    Iowa: Grassley (R-IA), Yea Harkin (D-IA), Nay
    Kansas: Brownback (R-KS), Not Voting Roberts (R-KS), Yea
    Kentucky: Bunning (R-KY), Yea McConnell (R-KY), Yea
    Louisiana: Landrieu (D-LA), Yea Vitter (R-LA), Yea
    Maine: Collins (R-ME), Yea Snowe (R-ME), Yea
    Maryland: Cardin (D-MD), Nay Mikulski (D-MD), Nay
    Massachusetts: Kennedy (D-MA), Nay Kerry (D-MA), Nay
    Michigan: Levin (D-MI), Nay Stabenow (D-MI), Nay
    Minnesota: Coleman (R-MN), Yea Klobuchar (D-MN), Yea
    Mississippi: Cochran (R-MS), Yea Lott (R-MS), Not Voting
    Missouri: Bond (R-MO), Yea McCaskill (D-MO), Nay
    Montana: Baucus (D-MT), Yea Tester (D-MT), Nay
    Nebraska: Hagel (R-NE), Yea Nelson (D-NE), Yea
    Nevada: Ensign (R-NV), Yea Reid (D-NV), Nay
    New Hampshire: Gregg (R-NH), Yea Sununu (R-NH), Yea
    New Jersey: Lautenberg (D-NJ), Nay Menendez (D-NJ), Nay
    New Mexico: Bingaman (D-NM), Nay Domenici (R-NM), Yea
    New York: Clinton (D-NY), Nay Schumer (D-NY), Yea
    North Carolina: Burr (R-NC), Yea Dole (R-NC), Yea
    North Dakota: Conrad (D-ND), Nay Dorgan (D-ND), Nay
    Ohio: Brown (D-OH), Nay Voinovich (R-OH), Nay
    Oklahoma: Coburn (R-OK), Yea Inhofe (R-OK), Yea
    Oregon: Smith (R-OR), Yea Wyden (D-OR), Yea
    Pennsylvania: Casey (D-PA), Nay Specter (R-PA), Yea
    Rhode Island: Reed (D-RI), Nay Whitehouse (D-RI), Nay
    South Carolina: DeMint (R-SC), Yea Graham (R-SC), Yea
    South Dakota: Johnson (D-SD), Not Voting Thune (R-SD), Yea
    Tennessee: Alexander (R-TN), Yea Corker (R-TN), Yea
    Texas: Cornyn (R-TX), Yea Hutchison (R-TX), Yea
    Utah: Bennett (R-UT), Yea Hatch (R-UT), Yea
    Vermont: Leahy (D-VT), Nay Sanders (I-VT), Nay
    Virginia: Warner (R-VA), Yea Webb (D-VA), Nay
    Washington: Cantwell (D-WA), Yea Murray (D-WA), Yea
    West Virginia: Byrd (D-WV), Not Voting Rockefeller (D-WV), Nay
    Wisconsin: Feingold (D-WI), Nay Kohl (D-WI), Nay
    Wyoming: Barrasso (R-WY), Yea Enzi (R-WY), Yea

    That means we have lost around 2,40,000 unused visas. I heard that there is a total amount of 3,00,000 unused employment visas of the previous years due to the great efficiency of USCIS. Out of this 61,000 is kept apart for Schedule A nurses and PT's and the remaining 2,40,000 thousand would have been divided amoung employment catagories if the amendment had passed,clearing lot of our backloggs.


    Its the high time we convince the senators who said NAYS. Lets start SOME KIND OF CAMPAIN aiming these guys. I am sure that core's hands are there behind this amendment. Well done IV. Don't get dissappointed, keep trying for Skill bill or for similar amendments. Its really unfortunate that we lost a very very big chance. Lets do something immediately.

    Following is the text of amendment.

    `(ii) DISTRIBUTION OF VISAS.--The total number of visas made available under paragraph (1) from unused visas from fiscal years 1994, 1996 through 1998, 2001 through 2004, and 2006 shall be distributed as follows:

    ``(I) The total number of visas made available for immigrant workers who had petitions approved based on Schedule A, Group I under section 656.5 of title 20, Code of Federal Regulations, as promulgated by the Secretary of Labor shall be 61,000.

    ``(II) The visas remaining from the total made available under subclause (I) shall be allocated equally among employment-based immigrants with approved petitions under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (and their family members accompanying or following to join).''.
    (b) H-1B Visa Availability.--Section 214(g)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1184(g)(1)(A)) is amended--

    (1) in clause (vi), by striking ``and'' at the end;

    (2) by redesignating clause (vii) as clause (ix); and

    (3) by inserting after clause (vi) the following:

    ``(vii) 65,000 in each of fiscal years 2004 through 2007;

    ``(viii) 115,000 in fiscal year 2008; and''.


    enchanted forest party theme. Enchanted Forest Themed
  • Enchanted Forest Themed

  • vayumahesh
    11-08 09:33 AM
    Did you get your I-140 receipt? What is the online status?
    My company would not provide me with I-140 receipt or approval notice. They would just inform me of the status.

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  • hot Enchanted Forest Cross

  • rtarar
    09-08 08:14 AM
    6 years 2 months and counting.


    enchanted forest party theme. Here are a few theme party
  • Here are a few theme party

  • manugee
    09-10 03:07 PM
    I meant to say next tuesday. Though I'm still trying to adjust my plans...

    hot Enchanted Forest Theme Baby enchanted forest party theme. Enchanted Forest Mural
  • Enchanted Forest Mural

  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-24 04:26 PM
    Good job GCWonder & cnachu2.

    I got few PM from senior members that they sent mails too. Please do not loose the momentum - keep sending mails.


    house Enchanted Forest Bird enchanted forest party theme. Fire and Ice Party
  • Fire and Ice Party

  • 9years
    11-05 02:47 PM
    Check this thread

    Few months back I have seen a thread on immigration voice forum similar case approved.

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  • quot;Barbie Thumbelina

  • amitjoey
    05-07 01:29 PM
    I do not believe we have a efax campaign right now. Faxes and letters do not seem to get the attention like phone calls and personal visits do.


    pictures Enchanted Forest Centerpiece enchanted forest party theme. at the enchanted forest!
  • at the enchanted forest!

  • trueguy
    08-04 05:14 PM
    IV is you me and everybody else. We saw since morning how people are trying to scuttle the idea by giving various and weird reasonings. What is important is writing them. And telling them the gravity and urgency of the situations. words like bonded should be bolded as the truth is 'Yes' in this free American Society we have lived a 'bonded' life...

    mirage, I am not trying to turn down this effort. In Fact, I have sent at least 50 letters as part of IV campaigns and I have written so many on my own. All I was saying that we need a professional letter that will have better impact. Once we have the letter ready, I will be the first one to send it out.

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  • enchanted forest theme

  • mita
    09-10 05:31 PM
    I am not sure if USCIS will move beyond April 2004 until Jan 2009 due to the holidays and election and as someone said they want to take it easy. Even if they move the dates it does'nt help unless they approve cases with certain process in place.


    makeup Enchanted Forest Themed enchanted forest party theme. Enchanted Forest Bird
  • Enchanted Forest Bird

  • MDix
    03-10 11:23 AM
    This is turning out to be TRUE.

    Past week, I made this comment and some people made fun of it. But, it's turning out to be true. They are now fully focusing on EB3 and I think they will continue to do untill they finish all Eb3. Once they reached last quarter then they will make EB2-I/C current and distribute those spill-over visas across EB. They don't have to make EB3-ROW current to give some spill-over to EB3-I. What ever will be left at the end of quarter will be spilled across EB's.

    I am expecting lot of REDs on this one.


    That is not true, my lawyer who is very influential and he has some good contacts he told me that this year spill-over would be different form last year. I was stupid so didn’t believe him about July 2007, and paying it for now for not having EAD.

    I know this is hard to believe especially if something comes from lawyer.


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  • into an enchanted forest,

  • gc_on_demand
    06-11 08:33 AM

    July bulletin is OUT and NO more significant movement. Donot hope for future bulletin . Please call Lawmakers ASAP. Unless we take action USCIS is not going to do anything. Situation can be worse once we head towards election season. Still we have 1-2 months to get things done or we will be waiting for years to get green card OR EAD ( For some folks ).

    It is just 10-15 minutes need to spend to call. Let them know WHO WE ARE AND WHAT ARE OUR ISSUES .

    I request all of you to call , if you have called then ask your friends and family members to call.

    Now its time to act. If we dont take action CHC will not allow to move ahead our 3 bills.

    CALL NOW .... and Spread this message to everyone.

    hairstyles Here are a few theme party enchanted forest party theme. the Enchanted Forest.
  • the Enchanted Forest.

  • GCKaMaara
    02-23 12:53 PM

    i just returned from an infopass meeting... the guy i talked to said that they recently have a directive from the DHS/USCIS that they want to separate the legal stuff from the illegal stuff and hence they are planning to adjudicate a record number of EB apps in the next quarter or two... does anyone else concur? is this true or were my ears just ringing in that meeting?


    Wonderful! How much I believe IO from USCIS is a different story :)

    09-11 05:06 PM
    Contributed small amount of $100.

    08-12 03:14 PM
    This bill is purely on the theory of Common man vs politician
    What is a politician?
    Politician is a contaminated breed of Human species. Here's the difference.

    When a common man see the problem, he tries to make a resolution and tries to make a permanent solution helping everyone.

    Now what does a politician do.. he see a problem and think how can he pretend to get a resolution while trying to make use of the problem for his political advantage hurting everyone and even hurting who were not effected by that problem and then use the same cycle to resolve the residual problems of the so called "solution" for his gains.. and this goes on and on and on.

    Moreover the worst part of the story is no matter where you go in this world, you will find this weed growing everywhere and there is no weed control chemicals to kill them and surprisingly common man is a fertilizer to grow it.

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